I went ahead and auditioned for that play. I had a very strong audition and felt very confident about what role I would get. The second round of auditions came and I knew I wouldn't get the part I wanted because a friend auditioned much stronger. In the end? So glad I didn't get that part!
The rehearsal process started in September and we opened in October. Wow. It was a lot of work! I'm really glad that I did it, it was amazing being back on stage. I didn't realize how much I had missed it! I'll audition for something else soon....
It was a lot of work that's for sure. There were times I wasn't sure I was going to make it! I'm in school full time, have 2 small children at home, plus the struggles of getting a business off the ground. Sheesh! Not sure where I thought I'd have the time to be in a show, too...but I did it, it's over and I'm happy that I had the experience. I'm currently helping build costumes for the local High School's production of The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe so once that opens, my life will be FREE! And hopefully sometime in there I can squeeze in this novel I'm working on for NaNoWriMo. Yeesh.